METRO - SeaChoice

Seafood Progress

Grocer’s Commitments to Sustainable and Socially Responsible Seafood

2023 score

Seafood Progress Average : 68

Score Trend
Decreased Since Last Year
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Sustainability Commitment
Progress Reports
Quebec and Ontario
Seafood Progress: METRO


Commitment to Sustainable Seafood

Which products does this grocer’s sustainable seafood commitment cover?

Store brand
Seafood brand
No brand


of products sold in 2023 met commitment.
98.4 %

Sustainability Commitment. METRO’s Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture policy (last updated in January 2022) clearly outlines the specifications of its commitments to all wild and farmed seafood products sold in all store banners. The policy is based on five principles that address issues specific to the industry.” These principles are: (1) healthy species, (2) responsible operating methods, (3) traceability of the products (4) respect for workers and (5) socioeconomic development. METRO also has a continuous improvement program that requires species with greater sustainability risks, including tuna, farmed salmon, farmed shrimp and farmed tropical fish including baha and tilapia to be certified. Finally, METRO has a full chain traceability system in place that traces the scientific name, geographic origin, farmed or wild and gear type or farming method from the source fishery or farm (personal communication. E. Brizard, 06/02/2023).

Clear Objectives
Supplier Expectations
Traceability Policy
Reporting on Activities

Social Responsibility Commitment. METRO’s Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy (last updated January 2022) states that all METRO suppliers must adhere to its Supplier Code of Conduct which is informed by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and applies to all workers in its supply chain, regardless of their status (seasonal, casual, part-time, full-time; local or migrant). Additionally, all suppliers must sign a letter of guarantee that reflects METRO’s commitment to social responsibliity. METRO informed SeaChoice that, in early 2023, it partnered with SupplyShift to assess supplier performance against its Supplier Code of Conduct (including the freedom of association component) and has since started the process of gathering data from all fish and seafood vendors. METRO intends to publish the first year results of this initiative in its 2024 CR report (personal communication, E. Brizard, 12/04/2023).

Step Scores


Commitment on sustainable seafood

Does the grocer have comprehensive seafood commitments?


Colecting Data

Does the grocer collect data to support its commitment?


Responsible Sourcing

Does the grocer make responsible sourcing decisions?



Is the grocer transparent about its commitment to sustainable seafood?



Does the grocer educate key stakeholders about the importance of its seafood commitments?


Supporting System Improvements

Does the grocer take initiative to support improvements to fisheries and aquaculture?


In the process of developing METRO’s 2023 profile, SeaChoice corresponded with Etienne Brizard, Coordinator of Responsible Procurement at Metro Inc.

Step Scores



Does the grocer have comprehensive seafood commitments?


Collecting Data

Does the grocer collect data to support its commitment?


Responsible Sourcing

Does the grocer make responsible sourcing decisions?



Is the grocer transparent about its commitment to sustainable seafood?



Does the grocer educate key stakeholders about the importance of its seafood commitments?


Taking Initiative

Does the grocer take initiative to support improvements to fisheries and aquaculture?


In the process of developing METRO’s 2023 profile, SeaChoice corresponded with Etienne Brizard, Coordinator of Responsible Procurement at Metro Inc.

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SeaChoice is a sustainable seafood partnership of the following three conservation groups: